Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Am I really satisfied…I’ve rarely come across anyone who would say a humble yes…I use to often question myself and others on why we are never satisfied? The answers have actually been gnawing my insides forcing me to think why we need to go a long way before we are cleansed. From relationships to materialistic needs we always yearn for more…has any one else wondered why?
Well a few days back a friend of mine told me that satisfaction does not happen that easily cause its beyond humans to achieve a sense of limit and therefore they cannot draw a line between how much they really need and how much they keep wanting.
That’s one theory…
There’s another one that I have…I feel the very existence of this level in our lives is significant. How else will u justify our ever increasing demands? I feel that satisfaction is the key to our growth. Its because of this drive that we keep aiming for more, set new goals in life, want to do better, prove ourselves… imagine a life without ambition. We would never live or grow…we would be stagnated and according to me stagnation is death.
Therefore we should only abide by this so as to help us reach our destination which is not known by us but we want to be there soon.
So the next time your not entirely satisfied just think that your probably already on the outskirts of your destination and a little more perfection and u will get there.